Can You Leave Cake Out Overnight?

When you forget to put away your cake after a special event like a birthday party or holiday celebration, you may be concerned about its safety for consumption the following day.

It is possible to leave cake out overnight, but it is important to store and cover it properly. If left uncovered, the cake may become dry and could potentially be exposed to bacteria or contaminants if it contains perishable ingredients. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the cake is covered before leaving it on the counter overnight.

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If you are curious about the types of cakes that can be stored for a longer time and ways to avoid them from becoming dry, this article will guide you. It will provide you with information on how to store your cakes correctly, prevent the growth of mold, and which cake varieties can be stored in the freezer.

How Long Can Cake Sit Out Unrefrigerated?

Typically, cakes can be stored at room temperature for a period of 3-6 days, but the duration may vary based on the type of cake and the composition of its icing. Cakes that are softer with icing made from heavy cream tend to have a shorter shelf life compared to those with sugar-based icings and denser cakes.

The following categories usually classify cakes:

  • Butter cakes
  • Angel food 
  • Pound cake 
  • Chiffon cakes
  • Cupcakes
  • Brownies
  • Sponge cakes

Due to variations in ingredients and preparation methods, the shelf life of cakes can differ.

Pound cakes, butter cakes, and pudding cakes have the longest shelf life when kept on the counter, but it’s important to monitor the humidity levels in the room.

Moist cakes are susceptible to mold and mildew growth, making them perishable. However, if your home has air conditioning, these cakes can last for a maximum of six days.

Pound cakes typically come with buttercream icing that complements the dense texture of the cake. This type of icing is usually prepared by whipping butter, sugar, food coloring, and other ingredients together. The substantial amount of sugar in the frosting serves as a natural preservative, which helps to prolong its shelf life.

Angel food cakes, chiffon cakes, and other soft cakes can remain fresh for approximately 4 days at room temperature, but there is a higher chance of them becoming moldy or stale. In case you add meringue or whipped cream to the cake, it should be stored in the refrigerator within 2 hours to avoid spoilage.

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Cakes that contain fruit, including those with fruit filling, should be refrigerated within a few hours of being made. This is because fruit spoils quickly and can develop a fermented taste by the next day.

What Can Happen If You Eat Cake That’s Gone Bad?

Leaving cake out overnight can lead to food poisoning as it can spoil and harbor bacteria such as E. Coli or botulism, which can contaminate the digestive tract through consumption of contaminated food due to the presence of starches and sugar in cake and icing.

Generally, there is no need to be concerned about the spoilage of cake if it is consumed within a specific time period. The only circumstance in which your cake may spoil while left on the counter is if your home is excessively warm or humid.

Moreover, if you neglected to either enclose it or shield your cake appropriately, there is a higher chance of it being infected.

Consuming a contaminated cake can lead to bacterial infection and result in symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, dizziness, and potentially severe dehydration.

Leaving food out overnight can result in severe food poisoning that, if left untreated, can be fatal. The primary cause of death from food poisoning is dehydration due to persistent vomiting or diarrhea.

Although it is improbable that leaving cake out overnight will result in death from food poisoning, it can still cause significant discomfort as your body works to eliminate the bacteria from your digestive system.

Experiencing fatigue, hunger, cramps, and difficulty passing stool is a common manifestation for many people who suffer from vomiting and diarrhea.

How Can You Tell If Cake Has Gone Bad?

The presence of mold and a foul odor is the most reliable sign that the cake has spoiled. Although mold itself may not be dangerous, it often indicates the presence of harmful bacteria and other impurities.

Thus, the existence of mold is generally a reliable sign that your cake has spoiled as it needs moisture and heat to thrive.

Cake can spoil or develop mold due to excess or insufficient moisture, making it a peculiar substance.

If your cake feels damp or excessively moist, it may indicate that it was left out in temperatures that were too warm.

Leaving a cake out overnight can result in a foul odor, especially if it emits a yeast or mildew-like smell and appears sweaty, indicating spoilage and the need for disposal. Conversely, while a dry cake may not pose as much of a health risk, it is still unappetizing.

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If cake is left uncovered and not frosted, it can become dry with crisp and chipped edges due to moisture being pulled from it by the atmosphere.

If you have a cake that has been cut, exposing the inside to the air, you can prevent it from drying out by covering the exposed area with plastic wrap or icing.

How Long Can a Cake Last?

If you have a dense cake like a pound or pudding cake, it will remain fresh for 3-5 days whether you keep it in the refrigerator or at room temperature. However, cakes with frosting can last longer if refrigerated as the icing helps to prevent moisture loss.

Each type of cake has a unique shelf life when stored in the fridge or on the counter, but there is minimal variation between the two. The only exception is if you want to preserve a cake with cream frosting or an ice cream cake.

Cake Fridge Counter Frosted/Unfrosted
Heavy (Pound, pudding, etc) 6-7 days when well wrapped or covered 3-5 days, well covered Frosted: Stay moist longer. Unfrosted: May dry out in the fridge unless well covered in plastic wrap.
Light (Angel food cake, sponge cake, etc) 5-6 days when well wrapped and covered 2-5 days, well covered Frosted: Most lighter cakes are served without frosting. They tend to have whipped cream on the side, added when ready to consume.
Other (Ice cream cake, Fruit filled cake, fruit-topped cake, etc) Depends. Ice cream cake must be kept in the freezer. Others in the fridge last 3-5 days 30 minutes to 2 hours. Should be stored in fridge or freezer Icing and frosting will not greatly impact shelf life. 

How Should You Store Cake?

It is recommended to store cakes in a covered dish, plastic wrap, or other secure wrappings to prevent the accumulation of bacteria, dust, and dirt on the cake.

Furthermore, appropriately covering and storing the cake will prolong its durability and prevent any contamination. It is advisable to keep the cake covered and elevated to avoid any interference from pets or rodents that may lead to contamination.

As previously mentioned, cakes typically have a similar shelf life when stored on the counter or in the refrigerator.

Nevertheless, failing to store your cake appropriately in the refrigerator may cause it to dry out and become stale. Additionally, you should avoid covering it with an airtight container to prevent the cake from absorbing any flavors from the fridge.

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Here are some effective methods for storing your cakes, whether in the refrigerator or at room temperature:

  • If you cut the cake into pieces and keep them in a sealed container
  • Ziploc bags that have a seal which can be closed by either sipping or using other secure methods
  • Covered in plastic wrap 
  • Cake container 

You should avoid slicing your cake until you are prepared to serve it, but if you have already sliced it, then you must cover each piece with plastic wrap to maintain its freshness.

If you plan to store sponge cakes and angel food cakes, it is advisable to avoid putting whipped cream on them as it may cause the cake to become damp and spoil faster than the cake itself.

If you want to serve angel food cake in the best way possible, it is recommended that you prepare the whipped cream within 2 days of consuming the cake to ensure its freshness and prevent curdling, which can spoil the cake.

Can You Freeze Cake?

Although it is possible to freeze a cake, certain types of cakes are better suited for this method of storage than others; specifically, dense cakes like pound cakes, pudding cakes, and fruit loaves (such as banana bread) tend to fare the best due to their high moisture content which allows them to maintain their freshness in the dry conditions of the freezer.

If cakes are adequately covered and protected, they can last for six months in the freezer. It is recommended to wrap moist and heavy cakes multiple times with plastic wrap or store them in freezer-safe bags such as zip lock bags.

Angel food cake doesn’t freeze well due to its light and airy texture, which can result in a grainy and unappetizing consistency, although it is still edible; it’s advisable to freeze whipped cream and other frostings separately from the cake.

If you want to freeze icing, it is recommended to store it in an airtight container made of plastic or glass. While sealed bags can also be used, they are generally not as effective as containers.

How Do You Store a Cake Without Drying It Out?

To avoid cake from drying out when stored, it is essential to cover it correctly. The most effective way of storing cake is by using plastic wrap, although aluminum foil can also be used. In case you freeze the cake, proper thawing techniques are crucial to prevent it from becoming dry or soggy.

To prevent your cake from drying out when freezing, it is essential to wrap it correctly and store it in an airtight container. When storing the cake on the counter or in the fridge, applying icing will aid in retaining its moisture.

When it comes to storing cakes, it is advisable to keep them in the freezer without the icing for better preservation. It is recommended to store the icing or fruit filling separately in the refrigerator or freezer.

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